Wednesday, 26 February 2014

English-SOSE project

A shout for a help from Indonesia

As one of the least clean water supplied province, Papua -Bovendigoel surely needs a help from us Indonesians as it is part of our country too. The clean water supply in Papua is surely low in many areas. As having clean water only twice a week in which defines it is lack of clean and hygienic water. Us (short for Pure The Water organisation) are here to start a help for our brothers and sisters in Papua.

Our aim is to help the people of Papua -Boven Digoel as they are one of the least clean water supplied region as well as helping improve their environment. Many may have been a victim of the disease that they consume of contaminated water that they take without any warning. And this is also a big cause of their death. To solve this problem is to pure the water. And our solution is exactly what the previous sentence have said, we use PureIt by Unilever Indonesia to help pure the water.

As we know that the cost of PureIt is not as cheap as buying a water bottle, there is a high possibility for us to ask you to help too by donating some funds or even better, donating some PureIt to help more people and more children in the Papua Bovendigoel. We would also like to ask help from the original company of PureIt which is Unilever to give a hand to ease this process of helping them.

At the time that when this problem will hopefully one day soon to be solved, many lives will hold on and families won't have to worry for water supply because water for them will be like for us -it will only be a tap away. And we can give them a better chance of a better and brighter future. There are so much that have suffered this and none of us really notice but expectantly, you will notice and help.

Let's all open our eyes and focus our hearing for there is a shout from Papua, a part of Indonesia that is asking for our help.

By: Zahra, Raissa, Atifa, Kyla, Tsamara -Students of Al-Taqwa College Indonesia

Monday, 17 February 2014

How to make a better Indonesia?

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

First of all, we would like to introduce ourselves. We are students from an Islamic International School located in Hambalang, Bogor. We decided to make this letter for you to make sure that you'll do a great job if you are elected to become the next President of Indonesia. This is a pleasure for us. A big appreciation for you if you are interested to read, Sir. We are only normal teenagers that want to make this country even better in the future. Indonesia is a very beautiful country to be visited by tourists from different parts of the world if we have a good government system. It means that we have to be careful to select for the next President to take care of our beloved country. We wrote this specially for you, because we believe that you could do a great improvement on managing the system.

Let us outline some topics that we would like to "discuss" here:
1. Disaster,
2. Poverty, and
3. Cleanliness

The topics above might be not really important but those are really have a big impact. The things that we will explain after this are based on our thoughts and what we feel of being apart of citizen of Indonesia.

1. Disaster
This one is happening a lot now. Mount Kelud just exploded a week ago and thunderstorm happened during the process. Many people died because of the poisonous ashes which came out from the mouth of the mountain. The ashes are spreading all over the city even it reaches our capital city, Jakarta. Maybe not much but still. On this case, the government should give more attention to the people who live around the area. Give them more daily life supplies (the basic ones: healthy food and fresh mineral water) to survive and a suitable place to save themselves. Not like an empty building and just let them lay down there. What if there is a pregnant woman? A sick child? Who wants to give  medicines and take care of them in that kind of crowded place? Diseases are easily to spread and we don't want the other people become sick too just because of one person. 

2. Poverty
Everyday many people are trying to live their life to the fullest. They are working so hard to get the best way to survive. With a simple "house" which made out of woods or bamboos, they won't give up. People who just graduated from universities and seeking for jobs, successful people, "unsuccessful" ones; there are many kind of people in this one country. We still have to remember, as apart of successful people, that there are still those "unlucky" society. Living an unhealthy life near dirty rivers or any kind of unsuitable places. They are keep on trying to find out how to make their life better. No additional "facilities" from the government which make them even worst.They need something to change their lifestyle. How can a society live in those kind of conditions? Unskilled, not having a proper job then they still have children, parents who they need to take care and of course it spends a lot of money just to buy a food. Where is the government that CARE of this society? So far, it has been the same. We don't see any changes of this issue. The other citizens are helping them, yes, but we need the government to help us too. How can this country be developed if the poverty keeps on increasing each year?

3. Environment
No wonder there are many diseases and viruses spread in surrounded areas. Big cities or small villages. Pollution, rubbish everywhere, well who isn't sick of seeing and feeling this everyday? We do have many trees, but they wont help us that much if we kept on cutting them illegally and use the land to build large and tall buildings. We're still wondering of something, why do people keep on throwing rubbish not in the right place? They knew  it will cause flood and other environment impacts. Well this is actually based on individuals awareness. Look at every time we walk past a street, there must be rubbish at the edges. Who doesn't feel digusted seeing a bunch of mixed rubbish? Do something to make this country as beautiful as other developed countries. Make the tourists feel comfortable while they are travelling around; seeking for good places to be visited so they will be impressed and we believe it will make them missing how lovely our environment is. By this, we will be prouder as an Indonesian.

I hope our opinions and suggestions are acceptable and useful for other people. We apologise for any mistakes written because we are humans and we make mistakes. Thats all from us.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

IT Task

TCP/IP definition:
  • Stands for "Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol." These two protocols were developed in the early days of the Internet by the U.S. military. The purpose was to allow computers to communicate over long distance networks. The TCP part has to do with the verifying delivery of the packets. The IP part refers to the moving of data packets between nodes. TCP/IP has since then become the foundation of the Internet. Therefore, TCP/IP software is built into all major operating systems, such as Unix, Windows, and the Mac OS. (

  • Two separate protocols, TCP and IP, that are used together. The Internet Protocol standard dictates how packets of information are sent out over networks. IP has a packet-addressing method that lets any computer on the Internet forward a packet to another computer that is a step (or more) closer to the packet's recipient. The Transmission Control Protocol ensures the reliability of data transmission across Internet connected networks. TCP checks packets for errors and submits requests for re-transmissions if errors are found; it also will return the multiple packets of a message into a proper, original sequence when the message reaches its destination. (
WAN Technology definition: 

  • A wide area network (WAN) is a network that covers a broad area (i.e., any telecommunications network that links across metropolitan, regional, or national boundaries) using private or public network transports. Business and government entities utilize WANs to relay data among employees, clients, buyers, and suppliers from various geographical locations. In essence, this mode of telecommunication allows a business to effectively carry out its daily function regardless of location. The Internet can be considered a WAN as well, and is used by businesses, governments, organizations, and individuals for almost any purpose imaginable.[1]
  • Stands for "Wide Area Network." It is similar to a Local Area Network (LAN), but it's a lot bigger. Unlike LANs, WANs are not limited to a single location. Many wide area networks span long distances via telephone lines, fiber-optic cables, or satellite links. They can also be composed of smaller LANs that are interconnected. The Internet could be described as the biggest WAN in the world. You could even call the Internet a Super WAN BAM if you wanted to. Or maybe not. (
  • communications network that uses such devices as telephone lines, satellite dishes, or radio waves to span a larger geographic area than can be covered by a LAN. (
DNS definition: 
  • Short for Domain Name System (or Service or Server), an Internet service that translates domain names into IP addresses. Because domain names are alphabetic, they're easier to remember. The Internet however, is really based on IP addresses. Every time you use a domain name, therefore, a DNS service must translate the name into the corresponding IP address. For example, the domain name might translate to
  • The DNS system is, in fact, its own network. If one DNS server doesn't know how to translate a particular domain name, it asks another one, and so on, until the correct IP address is returned. (
  • The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical distributed naming system for computers, services, or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network. It associates various information with domain names assigned to each of the participating entities. Most prominently, it translates easily memorized domain names to the numerical IP addresses needed for the purpose of locating computer services and devices worldwide. The Domain Name System is an essential component of the functionality of the Internet. (
  • DNS is an abbreviation for Domain Name System, a system for naming computers and network services that is organized into a hierarchy of domains. DNS naming is used in TCP/IP networks, such as the Internet, to locate computers and services through user-friendly names. When a user enters a DNS name in an application, DNS services can resolve the name to other information associated with the name, such as an IP address.
For example, most users prefer a friendly name such as to locate a computer such as a mail or Web server on a network. A friendly name can be easier to learn and remember. However, computers communicate over a network by using numeric addresses. To make the use of network resources easier, name systems such as DNS provide a way to map the user-friendly name for a computer or service to its numeric address.
The following figure shows a basic use of DNS, which is finding the IP address of a computer based on its name. (